May 17, 2018



  1. Classes of degree:

The classification of the undergraduate degree awarded which shall be the overall performance of each student shall be based on the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). In this case, the grade point average will be the summation of the product of the credit-units and the score rating divided by the total number of units earned by the students. This shall be classified as follows.




4.5-5.0 First Class
3.5-4.49 Second Class Upper
2.4-3.49 Second Class Lower
1.5-2.39 Third Class
1.0-1.49 Pass
Below 1.0 Fail

Continuous assessment:

This is essential for evaluating student’s performance and progress. A range of 30% to 60% is usually adopted for continuous assessments weighting by the department in view of the work input expected from students in various courses. This is done by means of term papers, assignments, workshop practice, laboratory / studio projects etc. However, the more practical the course is, the higher the marks for continuous assessment. Therefore most of the studio, laboratory and workshop assignments, projects and practices will carry 60% as continuous assessment.


Department of Fine and Applied Arts
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