May 16, 2018



For a student of this department to qualify for a degree award in Architecture, he/she shall be required to fulfill the general degree requirements of the department and the university.

To graduate with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Arch, a student must have passed all the compulsory core courses and the required electives and meet the minimum requirement of 140 units for those that entered through direct entry into the third year.

In addition, student is to engage in industrial training of not less than Six months during their undergraduate education (long vacation and one semester).

However, the maximum numbers of compulsory, required and elective courses are itemized in the table below;

Programme         Compulsory Required Electives
5 years                       186 4 10
4 years                         146 4 10
3 years                            102 4 10


      PG Graduation requirements

To graduate with Arch, in this department, a student must

  1. Register for and pass a minimum of 64 credit units (60 units of compulsory courses and 4 units of electives.)
  2. Register for and pass the design Thesis /Dissertation) accompanied by the Design Technical Report which shall be examined and graded by a jury of both the internal and external assessors.
  3. Satisfy all other regulations of the OOU post Graduate school.



Department of Architecture
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